Non-linear Equation System Solver Online. This solver is used to find the solution of non-linear equation system- Tìm nghiệm hệ phương trình phi tuyến on-line.
Quick help:
+ Unknowns: x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6 or x,y,z,t,u,v,w;
+ Enter each equation per line.
+ Initial values are optional, separated by semicolon (;).
+ PI (π=3.1415926...)
+ Parenthesis is ()
+ Operands: + - * / ^ %
+ Functions ABS SIN COS TAN COTAN LN LOG10 LOG SIGN TRUNCATE POW where ln (a) = ln e (a); log(a) = log 10 (a); log(a,b) for example log(3,9)=2

For example if we have these two equations:

x^3*y-y^4=7 and x^2*y+2*x*y^2+y^3=9

Input will be either:




Initial values for x0 and x1 can be: 2;7

This solver is used to find the solution of non-linear equation system. It uses Newton-Rasphson algorithm. The process will start with initial values and will be iterated until it finds the nearly exact solutions that satisfy the tolerance given &epsilon. The iteration process will go with limited number of trials and loops. With each trial the program may return a set of solutions or roots or "not found" notice with that curtain trial run. You can manage to repeat trial as many as you can.

After several trials with "not found" you should manage to enter initial values!